Training swim sets - lactate threshold
Compound set #1
1km @ 10km pace
2km @ marathon pace
rest 1 min
Compound set #2
1km @ 5km pace
2km @ 10km pace
3km @ marathon pace
rest 1 min
5km, as:
1km @ marathon pace
1km @ 5km pace
500km @ light pace

lactate threshold is the maximum speed your body can sustsin at an aerobic intensity.
raising lacta threshold = faster and fitter
Threshold training involves swimming at a pace that will improve your lactate threshold speed, which will result in speed increases in distance swimming. distance swimming isnt about being the fastest, but rather a decent average speed.
swimming at a slightly lower intensity and less rest between sets, to improve lactate threshold, train at this pace or slighty below it (faster)
It's generally thought that differences between a sprinter and distance swimmer are genetic. Fast and slow twitch fibers differe greatly in lactate production. Sprinters have more fast twitch fibers, and produce greater power and lactate as a byproduct. Distance swimmers have more slow twitch fibers, which do not make a lot of acid due to the aerobic nature of the muscle fibers and do not fatigue easily.
The more a swimmer practices doing lactate sets, the better they will become.
Lactate builder
12 - 16
100m [2minutes] hard